New Board on Absence for the Game

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New Board on Absence for the Game

Post by Soluna »

This is just a suggestion but maybe a section where people can post that they will be away from the game due to vacations/schools etc.
That way they wont get kicked due to their absence as the rule right now is 15 week+ char might get kicked.

Another Suggestion is Field Boss Spawn Time board, where someone may see like Prairie Dragon/Ifrit spawn time and make a post to the board
so everyone can see? Though this would actually work better if there's more people read the forums XD.
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Re: New Board on Absence for the Game

Post by ferghus »

I think it would be helpful if people were to post a note when they expect to be away for a long period of time. I don't think it needs its own section, though--the guild-only Guildchat section should be appropriate for it. It's been done that way in other guilds I've been in, and it worked great.

As for the field boss section, would it really be useful? I mean, how far ahead can spawn times be seen? Someone might see a spawn time for a dragon in 2 hours, post in on the board, but by the time someone checks the thread, the info will be outdated. Also, Sig can predict spawn times, since they're pre-calculated. We should just bug him to explain to us how it works, and perhaps post a schedule on the forum. x3

Re: New Board on Absence for the Game

Post by Soluna »

I agree on the absence part, as for the Field Boss it can be as much as 30 some days, which will be many days ahead. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a formula that exists and can calculate the spawn times, there's this web called kukutimer of something that actually have explanation on predicting times. And if it can be predicted before hand should there be a place post it? Or at least a dedicated thread somewhere, perhaps a page on the main web. I am just suggesting, since there is not alot of field bosses now but when later Lions, Crocodiles and Red Dragon comes it might be nice to have a chart somewhere. Also this is just suggesting since I don't think we are interested in hunting most Field Boss anyway /_\

Also this may be side-tracking a bit from the supposed topic, but can you make a event in the public boards since is more convenient for people who is not in the guild to sign up. I guess I can tell them to note me and all but they wont be able to see the rules. As for the Dice Tournament I am moving the topic to Announcement, move to a public event section if you decide to open it for the time being.
*Actually move it to the public section from guild section can work too*

Re: New Board on Absence for the Game

Post by Dusky »

I agree on the Absence part since ill be gone around 3 months, not technically though just not on as much during those 3 months >n>

Re: New Board on Absence for the Game

Post by Soluna »

Mmm, yea just post long absence in the Guildchat board, and as for the Field Boss, we'll sticky a thread in the Mabidata board like Yoorah suggested.