Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

For general discussions related to Nexon's latest Mabinogi-themed offering: Vindictus!
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Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

Post by ferghus »

I've recently finished the storyline in Vindictus. :) I thought it was pretty lovely overall, although some of it was confusing, likely due to a combination of me not finishing all the Mabinogi gens (G12+?) and me forgetting parts of the story here and there. D:

Anyway, as most of you already know, the last part of the story in Vindictus describes the origins of Morrighan and Cichol. I managed to grab a few screenshots of the ending scenes from the game, 'cause I loved the art style.

Former Royal Army High Commander Keaghan realizing Tieve's tragic fate. D: Tieve was just an Oracle at the time, and a childhood friend of Keaghan. He decided that he'd do everything he can to try and save her from her fate, even if it meant he had to destroy the world!

Some evil lizard character offered Keaghan the power to defeat Elchulus, a dragon who is the god of Fomors. Keaghan believed that killing that god would derail Tieve's fate and save her. So he took the offer, despite Tieve pleading that he does not. The lizard shaman sacrificed themselves, letting Keaghan eat its heart. And the above screenshot is the result. @_@ In the end, Keaghan did gain the upper hand over the dragon, but the dragon fled. The dying lizard mocked Keaghan for getting tricked by them, although I'm not sure what the lizard's plan was exactly. I do remember that the lizard race had no god, unlike the Fomors and Humans... so perhaps the lizard was trying to create a new god for themselves? By the way, it's the same lizard that makes Tieve's pet spider guardian attack the town in the Vindictus opening scenes.

And so, Keaghan transformed and Cichol was born. D: The thing I don't understand, though... is that I recall Morgant being mentioned in the dialogue here, as if he was around before this happened. There were also hints that Morgant was a god of sorts, although perhaps I don't remember it well. There's also the issue of the dragon being the god of Fomors, while in Mabinogi it is Cichol who is the god of Fomors?

Cichol, formerly Keaghan, trying to save Tieve while Tieve was praying for Keaghan. T_T He ended up opening some kind of portal and leaving, saying he will seal Erinn or something? And then...

Tieve asks Keaghan to forgive her, transforming into Morrighan. What's odd, though, is that Tieve's kind personality doesn't seem to match Morrighan's personality from Mabinogi. Goddess of War and Vengeance? Not like Tieve at all. I've heard that she becomes evil or something in Mabi's later gens. (No spoiling that please, as I have not played past G12, but I do intend to!)

Matching artwork to the opening picture.
The End T_T

Memories of Tieve and all the events surrounding her are erased from everyone. Seanna then mysteriously replaces Tieve as the town's oracle. What would her role be? Is she a true oracle too, like Tieve was? Will they turn her into Neamhain or something? @_@

Overall, I've really liked the artwork in this game; the hand drawn stuff and the 3D stuff alike. I don't know how consistent the story is with Mabinogi (although I hear complaints of Mabinogi's own story not being consistent with itself!) but I did enjoy it quite a bit. In fact, to those who have not played this game, I highly recommend it. You can enjoy this game with almost no grind, and this is coming from someone who can no longer stand the dull grind of MMOs. :)

Re: Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

Post by Sky »

Yoorah wrote:this is coming from someone who can no longer stand the dull grind of MMOs. :)

Re: Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

Post by Kapra »

Well, Morgant's true form (not spoiling you there) is a god in Celtic mythology. However, Morgant has on multiple occasions claimed to be human and not human so his race is up for debate. Also, DevCAT discontinued the idea that Vindictus's storyline is related to Mabinogi's storyline. There may be some references but they decided not to match them up due to storyline restraints. So just take it as two games both based on Celtic mythology, not one based on another. The ending of Vindictus alone doesn't make any sense in Mabi's terms.

Re: Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

Post by Soluna »

I am not sure about if the two are direct relation since I don't play, but I heard the ideal of dark knight and paladin are reversed?

Where dark knight in Vindictus are those blinded follow the goddess and paladin are those who fought for themselves but in Mabinogi paladins are those who follow the goddess and dark knight are those who use power for their own gain?

Regardless, it was blatant obvious... Tieve was gonna become Morrighan... to me anyway...

And I think in regards of the personality thing they are separate beings... They are just host sacrifice much like little Triona in G3 where Cichol tried to use her to reincarnate Macha. So, when the god/goddess ascend to the host, they will be gone as... I guess dead is one way to put it.

As for the Fomor God thingy... is really annoy in Mabinogi because they have this weird lapse in different generation where Chapter 1 would refer Nuadha as King in fact he was in throne before Lugh but then Chapter 3 will make him a God, then in Chapter it will refer to him as King again... and in Chapter 3 they also made Cichol King of Fomor... so... yea I dunno it is annoy...

However, the prior Leader of Fomor is Balor and his name has been mentioned many times, so he's likely to appear in the future in some way or form even though he is supposed to be dead already. Like any RPG... dead guys come back alive ="=... is a normal thing...

Re: Morrighan and Cichol (spoiler warning)

Post by Kenero »

I demand a miletiant summon...

... the ultimate living blade... impervious to death itself.
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