Dance with Nao~

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Dance with Nao~

Post by Soluna »

Penguin Robe Plz! =w=

*Mysterious Rabbit Hanging in the Background O_O ?!

Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by Armelle »

100 x better than the dance emotes devcat made,kinda wish our hair could move like that :<

Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by Beepuke »

haha wow, that's adorable. agreed that it's about a billion times better :x
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Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by ferghus »

Yeah, that's really cute. x3 But I like Mabi's dance animations. >.> It'd be nice if Mabi had some physics simulation in cloth/hair like in the video, however. Of course, they'd have to fix their crappy performance renderer first. x_x;

Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by HoLun »

looks like its made with mikumiku dance?

Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by Alarya »

That is so cute... I want that penguin robe...

Re: Dance with Nao~

Post by mitzi1 »

LOVE AND JOY!! :D love that song/dance too bad there isn't really a translation out there though. cute with mabi stuff :D
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